Category: Programming
10+ years developing with Yii
Way back in my simple programming career, I kept reinventing the same wheel with every project: routing, user session management etc. At one magnificent evening of insight, I decided to sit down and learn a solid framework to use for all future projects. As these things go, the framework comparison turned out to be a […]
Cleaning audio speech files for tmi-archive
Someone on the TheMindIlluminated reddit asked for help making a number of audio talks related to meditation available. We got into contact and I ended up making, a straight forward website where people can listen and search the talks and edit them if they feel like helping out. The interesting part of this small […]
A simple WPBakery bug
A client requested to use the WPBakery plugin in their Wordpress installation. Due to some unknown factor, it had a unpleasant bug: elements wouldn’t save the first time after editing them in the backend editor. You had to open an element, close it, open it again, and only then would it save. The console throws […]